An information session for members of the Central Regional Coordinating Council and other key regional stakeholders was held in Cape Coast on Monday 12th April. The session was chaired by the Central Regional Minister, Honourable (Mrs.) Justina Marigold Assan. In her opening remarks, she stressed the importance of the census to all stakeholders present and urged all to participate fully in the session so that they can all work assiduously to ensure the success of census implementation in the Central Region. The full copy of her statement can be read here
The Government Statistician and Chief Census Officer, Professor Samuel Annim also gave brief remarks to the participants explaining that the purpose of the information session was to officially hand over census implementation to region, elicit their support and provide them the needed information to ensure that there is comprehensive complete coverage and quality data in the Central Region.
The session featured presentations on overview of the census, the resourcefulness of the census data, the 100 days to Census Night Publicity, Education and Advocacy strategy, preview of the Central Regional field strategy and an overview of the institutional roles of members of the Regional Census Implementation Committee by the head of the National Census Secretariat, Mr. Emmanuel George Ossei; head of Census Methodology, Mr. Owusu Kagya; and the Central Regional Statistician Mr. Isaac Addae.
Following the presentations, there was a lively and fruitful discussion by participants on how to implement the census successfully in the region and conduct effective publicity campaigns to raise awareness and ensure there is complete coverage and quality data. The Regional Coordinating Director, and chair of the Central Regional Census Implementation Committee (RCIC) Mr. Kingsley Adjei Boahene, accepted the responsibility to implement the census on behalf of the RCIC and pledged to engage all stakeholders needed to make census implementation in the region a success.